Tips and Strategies to Improve Your Sleep During Menopausal Journey (By Deon Hall Garriques)As a woman transitions through the various stages of menopause, there are often a variety of changes that are happening in her life. She...
A Black Woman’s Menopause Journey (By Deon Hall Garriques)While the menopause journey for each woman is personal and unique, research shows that race and culture can influence a woman’s...
Hormone Replacement Therapy and Menopause (By Deon Hall Garriques) A menopausal woman’s decision whether she should take hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or not can be quite overwhelming and confusing...
Common Menopause Symptoms and What You Can Do (By Deon Hall Garriques)Menopause has many symptoms that can impact the entire body, ranging from emotional, mental, and physical. On average, there are 34...